would it be possible to have a short meeting with you in baltimore in next 15 days or so?
system conflict barriers of going post colonial post industrial and sustainable worldwide in 80 years
my family of 4 generations of diaspora scots have been trying to system map with adam smith common sense values -community rising entrepreneurship - pretty much across the globe -what with grandad sir ken mumbai chief justice for 20 years with gandhi -last job writing up india's independence
... and dad norman macrae surviving teenage navigation of airplanes over modernday myanmar in world war 2 and then making friends with japanese emperor/prince charles from 1962-4 and china by 1977 much to congress' chagrin
dad at the economist last project sent young journalists to bangladesh -15 times cos after we invited directors of brac to a birthday party with dr yunus in 2009 with the bbc oceans and polar explorer paul rose but even he couldnt get yunus to want to collaborate - to start a journal with adam smith scholars- professor skinners last contribution attached
i am just a statistician who helped mit collect the first database on what 50 countries societies wanted from global corporations but today everything to do with sustainable trade mapping seems to come back to translating smith into context out of every cultures interaction
2 things are top of my priority list before easter in this virally controlled world
1 how to find whomever values smith most to webinar a meeting out of london or glasgow before next student year- this is a request from vc of the south asian university https://www.bracu.ac.bd/about/people/professor-vincent-chang-phd that became fazle abed's legacy- fazle kindly debated this goal in 2012 at japan embassy remembrance party to my father norman macrae the economist's smithsian sub-editor- how could the worlds largest ngo partnership linkin girls sdg universities once he had gone? - project OSUN-weforum jan2020
Fazle Abed died 20 dec 2019 hence timeline of vice chancellor vincent chang's request to stage summer smith event and make this one step to cop26 glasgow- friends of soros and ban ki-moon out of vienna ny state (as well as some brad schools in dc/baltimore/brooklyn) and online learning wizards out of arizona are busy on different parts of this jigsaw but we're never quite sure who gets smiths support for market transparency at community level essential for girls to safely build sdg nations out of the least resources
2 inclusion inner city americas youth
along the way in trying to host remembrance parties to dad atlanta was due to host a nobel peace laureate summit 2015 (soros with club of rome is main sponsor of this gorbachev solidarite project) valuing luther king, mandela and putting obamas legacy into youth hands especially hbuc colleges and caribbean ones - somehow all the great and the good quarreled with each other so atlanta never got youth to the start line... 5 years on
friends in baltimore are within my circles the last ones left standing where we still chat about how can inner city black students rebuild communities cheered on by rev al hathaway - do you already know him or is there a different circle of bloomberg cities that include students of color
all mistakes in reporting solely mine
chris macrae norman macrae foundation bethesda +1 240 316 8157
oops its not well known in usa that sir fazle abed is adam smith's action learning servant leader at year 210-260 of industrial revolution begun by watt and smith in glasgow- having graduated at glasgow uni around 1960 he took smith values to royal dutch shell before 50 years mapping them out of rural womens bangladesh- hence priority of abed university to issue some joint declaration of common sense economics out of london glasgow dhaka vienna rotterdam and other sister cities this summer- al hathaways community nurtured thurgood marshall and was the first successful reparation black girls got from the 13th amendment- a special enough space for pope francis to receive al in italy's happier days
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From: Amitav american.edu
To: christopher macrae <chris.macrae@yahoo.co.uk>
Sent: Wednesday, 11 March 2020, 16:02:48 GMT-4